
Ascension Island

“It is situated in the South Atlantic Ocean, 900 miles from Africa, 760 miles from St. Helena, and nearly 3500 miles from England, the geographical position being in latitude 7 deg. 56 min. south of the Equator, and longitude 14 deg. 25 min. west of Greenwich. The island is but seven miles and a half […]

The Mosque-Cathedral of Cordoba

Above is a quick study-from-photograph of one of the entrances to the Mosque-Cathedral of Cordoba. Like Istanbul’s Hagia Sophia, the Mezquita-Catedral is an architectural mash-up of civilizations: Islam and Christianity, one writing over the other, a palimpsest. Unlike the Hagia Sophia, which overwhelms you with its open floor-plan and sheer capacity, the Mezquita-Catedral is overwhelmingly […]