On the bank of the river Agueda, some twenty-five kilometres from the Portuguese border, sits the small Spanish town of Ciudad Rodrigo. The site of two sieges during the Napoleonic Wars it is now a largely uneventful place with a population of only fourteen-thousand people. Once a year during the five days leading up to Shrove Tuesday it hosts its Carnaval del Toros, an event which unites its celebration of Carnival with its love of the bulls.
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Thank you, Melanie.
I am a “mirobrigense” (person born in Ciudad Rodrigo). The word comes from the ancient name of the city, Miróbriga.
Well, I just wanted to say “thank you” for your beautiful description of our festival.
Best regards,
You’re very welcome, Teresa! I very much enjoyed my stay there and look forward to returning some day 🙂